Deliberate practice done consistently over time improves performance
Deliberate practice done consistently over time improves performance
Executive Leadership Coaching is a customizable individual learning solution. It provides leaders the opportunity to experience in-depth learning that is co-designed to meet their development goals.
Because time is extremely valuable and a scarce resource for many executives, coaching allows flexibility in learning that can occur in real time and at the convenience of the executive.
Team and Group Coaching applies fundamental coaching principles to small groups for the purpose of professional development and goal attainment.
The focus is on learning, self-awareness, goal setting, and action
over time.
The process promotes reflection and dialogue around learning themes or topics. Team and group coaching engagements are customized to meet the learning objectives of the participants.
Purpose driven collaboration will allow the leader to be a part of the discussion without
having to manage the process.
I will provide expertise in group dynamics and the ability to harness power and wisdom of a group.
The structure and format is customized and based on the purpose and goal of the session.
In the end, Amy will debrief our shared experiences and access growth. Amy will then give you insight.
Amy Carroll Training, Inc.
422 Masonic Street, Dyersburg, Tennessee 38024, United States