Deliberate practice done consistently over time improves performance
Deliberate practice done consistently over time improves performance
Testimonial by,
I’ve been with Amy’s Bootcamp since its very first session in February 2018. Under Amy’s (and Tammy’s) direction, I have lost a good bit of weight and several inches. More importantly, my health is so much better. When I first started, I could not run a mile without stopping. I can do that now. I could not do a push up. I can do that now. Even outside of class, I feel better. No more huffing and puffing up the stairs. My weekly bike rides went from a measly five miles up to thirty miles.
Amy’s Bootcamp is not my first foray into exercising. I’ve previously experimented with endless miles on the treadmill, mind-numbing hours on the elliptical, and fear-provoking trips to the weight room at the gym. To be honest, I hated them. I did them to punish myself for the chips or cookies that I had eaten.
I don’t feel that way about Bootcamp. I do not go to punish myself or my body. I go because I feel great afterward. I go because I know that it will push me to hold an exercise just a little bit longer or run a little bit faster than I did last week. And for someone who was never particularly athletic, that feels awesome. Even my husband remarks that my mood is lifted after a Bootcamp class.
I know a lot of people might be afraid that Bootcamp class will be too difficult. I can promise you that while Amy and Tammy will push you, they will never, ever push you too far, too fast. Like some other participants in the classes, I came to Bootcamp with my own injury: a tear in the muscle of my shoulder that required surgery several months before my first Bootcamp class. Even though I had the
okay from my doctor to start exercising long before Bootcamp began, I was afraid. I did not want to undo the weeks of living in a sling or the months of physical therapy I had endured just to get my shoulder in a normal-ish condition.
Amy and Tammy respected my injury, always ensured that I was safe, all the while pushing me to move past my fear and add strength to my neglected shoulder. I never have pain following a Bootcamp class. I only feel a sense of accomplishment that I could do that exercise or hold that pose, despite my injury.
Others might look at us Bootcampers and think that the program is not hard enough. That we have not made enough progress for the time and expense involved. And maybe you think that some other program will be better for you. And you might be right. Abs are made in the kitchen after all, and Amy doesn’t attend my meals with me and knock candy bars out of my hands, unfortunately.
Regardless, I have lost significant weight and inches on this program, even when my eating habits were less than stellar. The more I put into the program, the more I got out of it. I am perfectly satisfied with my slow, sustainable weight loss—the kind that actually lasts.
Moreover, weight is only part of the picture. When you look at us, you don’t see the fact that we can run faster and longer than when we started, the lower blood pressure or cholesterol, the times when we can squat down to talk to our children or grandchildren without pain. I’ve worked hard to achieve these things. But I could not have done it without the support of Bootcamp-Challenge with Tammy and Amy.
Amy Carroll Training, Inc.
422 Masonic Street, Dyersburg, Tennessee 38024, United States